This is the SAME great Cigar, just packaged in the Green Plain Liberal Packaging with the ORIGINAL CIGAR BAND underneath.
Cigar Aficionados No.1 Cigar of the year in 2008 with an outstanding score of 93/100.
Size: Robusto 5 1/2" x 52
Filler: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Country: Nicaragua
Manuel Quesada has been making cigars since 1974, the Casa Magna is his greatest innovation. He joined forces with Nicaragua's largest grower of cigar tobacco, Nestor Plasencia, and created this blend in Plasencia's Segovia Cigar factory. The line of five cigars saw first light in the summer, standing above the other sizes was the robusto, a stubby cigar with a bold heart of Cuban-seed tobacco, all of it grown in two very different regions of Nicaragua: tobacco from Estelí (the area where most Nicaraguan cigars are produced) tends to be strong, while that grown in Jalapa, to the north, is typically more balanced and elegant. Together they combine to create a full-flavoured cigar, full of rich coffee notes and balanced by a cedary sweetness with a hint of raisins.
The word "Colorado" in the brand name refers to the dark, slightly reddish hue of the wrapper, and is a hint that Quesada will expand this line to more styles. It will be hard to improve upon this.
In 2008, Manuel Quesada joined forces with Nicaragua’s largest grower of cigar tobacco, Nestor Plasencia, and created Casa Magna Colorado in Plasencia’s Segovia Cigar factory. The line would go on to receive sterling reviews, including the Cigar of the Year in 2008. The Colorado uses tobacco from Estelí and Jalapa in Nicaragua together to create a full-flavored cigar. Quesada would build on the success of the Colorado by adding more lines, each a slightly tweaked version of the original.