About Us
Trae Zammit, owner of The Smokin' Cigar, developed a passion for premium cigars and the rich tobacco culture that surrounds it in his early twenties. By age 26, Trae took the leap and opened the doors to the original Smokin' Cigar in March 1997.
At first it was a small shop located in midtown Toronto on Bayview Ave, with a handful of tables and chairs to sit outside while enjoying an espresso and smoking a cigar. The Smokin' Cigar quickly built a loyal following of avid cigar enthusiasts and grew into a couple of larger spaces on Bayview eventually settling into its current 2000 sq ft. home at 1540 Bayview Ave.
Now 25 years later, The Smokin' Cigar has become an institution in Toronto. Trae and the staff still manage to keep up on a first name basis and preserve the friendly vibe of a neighborhood shop. Smokin' carries over 700 cigar facings, cigar accessories, pipes and pipe accessories and is proud to offer one of the largest walk in humidors in the city of Toronto.